Extreme Reloading Remanufactured 9MM 115gr RN – 250CT
WC_Product_Simple Object
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[name] => Extreme Reloading Remanufactured 9MM 115gr RN - 250CT
[slug] => 9mm-115gr-rn-reloads-3-5
[date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
[utc_offset:protected] => -14400
[date] => 2022-12-14 16:21:57.000000
[timezone_type] => 1
[timezone] => +00:00
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[date] => 2023-08-29 15:32:13.000000
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[status] => publish
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[description] => Our 9MM ammunition is loaded here locally in the USA. We use once fired brass and 115 grain plated bullets. Using components from manufacturers like Lake City, Federal, Hodgdon, Accurate, CCI, Winchester, Remington, and Vihtavuori, makes our remanufactured ammo perform just as well as factory loads. ***
These are packaged loose in plastic bags and shipped in cardboard boxes.
*** Manufacturer list is not all encompassing, and is based upon available components.
This is reloaded ammunition, using once fired brass. As such, there may be small dings and dents in some of the casings. This will not effect the functionality of the ammunition. We take care to discard any casings damaged beyond safe use.
[short_description] =>
[sku] => 9115RN3-250
[global_unique_id] =>
[price] => 59.98
[regular_price] => 59.98
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Managing stock: 1 | Is on backorder: | Is in stock: 1
non variation
In stock
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