Ammo Inc 38SPL 125GR XTP JHP
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[description] => This .38 Special 125gr Jacketed Hollow Point is from the TML (Total Metal Coating) Ammo, Inc. Defensive line. Proven Jacketed Hollow Point projectiles deliver terminal performance tuned for self defense. Load-specific development ensures extreme accuracy and consistency for each caliber. Balancing velocity, accuracy, and recoil, our development team carefully analyses every load to help our ballisticians achieve the specific outcome of superiority.
Features :
- The Finest Pistol Rounds on the Market
- Balanced Velocity and Recoil
- 100% American Made Components
- Hyperclean Technology - Shoot more, Clean less
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Managing stock: 1 | Is on backorder: | Is in stock: 1
non variation
In stock
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