Home / Ammunition / Pistol / 40 S&W
Blazer Brass 40 S&W 180GR FMJ
$ 22.01
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[description] => Blazer(R) Brass brings shooters the reliability and quality of ammunition built to SAAMI standards, and is backed by stringent ISO certified quality systems. Blazer Brass is loaded in reloadable brass cases for added value. Standard Boxer-type primers and primer pockets mean you can reload Blazer Brass cases just like any other case. Blazer Brass is loaded with a protected-base FMJ bullet. CCI(R) primers insure reliable ignition, and we load clean-burning propellants. Blazer Brass is available in 9mm Luger, 380 Auto, 38 Special, 357 Magnum, 40 S&W, and 45 Auto calibers with standard-weight bullets.
Features :
40 S&W
985 Feet per second
180 Grain full metal jacket flat nose
Blazer Brass
50 Rounds per box
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Managing stock: 1 | Is on backorder: | Is in stock: 1
non variation
In stock
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