Tired of reaching in the casefeeder and having to hold onto the screws to get your plate out? We have designed a handle that is very simple to install. Just undo the 2 screws, add this, and screw it back down and you are back up and running. We have found this very helpful when needing to change out the casefeeder plates.
Dillon Casefeeder Plate Handle
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Managing stock: | Is on backorder: | Is in stock: 1
non variation
Category: Dillon Upgrades
Array ( [description] => Array ( [title] => Description [priority] => 10 [callback] => woocommerce_product_description_tab ) [additional_information] => Array ( [title] => Additional information [priority] => 20 [callback] => woocommerce_product_additional_information_tab ) [reviews] => Array ( [title] => Reviews (0) [priority] => 30 [callback] => comments_template ) )
Dimensions | 2 × .75 × 1.5 in |
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