Home / Ammunition / Rifle / 6.5 Creedmoor
Federal 6.5 Creedmoor 130gr Swift Scirocco ll – $15 FLAT RATE SHIPPING
$ 39.89
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[description] => Push effective range to new extremes while delivering a more lethal blow on impact with Federal Premium Swift Scirocco II loads. The polymer-tipped bullets streamlined design and high ballistic coefficient produce flat trajectories, while retaining more velocity and energy downrange. Aided by its Signature Black Tip, the bonded Scirocco II expands at minimal velocities yet offers high weight retention at close range thanks to its bonded copper jacket.
Features :
Proprietary polymer tip improves ballistics and initiates low-velocity expansion
Advanced secant ogive maximizes ballistic coefficient
Tapered copper jacket bonded to lead core
High weight retention at close range
Expands reliably at low velocity for long-range terminal effect
[short_description] =>
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Managing stock: 1 | Is on backorder: | Is in stock: 1
non variation
In stock
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